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SC82 Cleanser

Solvent-based cleaner that provides rapid cleaning
and evaporation. Ideal for cleaning ink residues
on screens, pads and clichés.

SC82 Cleaner is easy to handle and does not require additional solvents or conditioners.


  • APPEARANCE: Very low viscosity liquid.
  • INK DRYING TIME: Medium.

Store in a cool place (temperature between 10 and 25 °C), preferably ventilated and dark, avoiding direct exposure to solar radiation, away from heat sources and other acids or alkalis. The container must always be vertical and perfectly covered to avoid solvent evaporation. The container should remain open for the shortest possible time. Use clean tools and containers for ink preparation.

We exclusively recommend using SC82 Cleaner on our inks and using our recommended compatible products. Coral Tintas S. A. de C. V. is not responsible for the use of/in third-party products.


Do you need more info? Download the technical sheet of this product.

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