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9600 Series Ink

Two-component solvent borne ink for pad printing, semi-matt finish. Designed for application in TPR (erasers).

It resists alkalis and acids of moderate concentration, oils, soaps, among others.

Due to its physical appearance and easy handling, inks of the same series can be combined easily. The high opacity it has allows you to cover your product in a single pass (one stroke with the pad).


APPEARANCE: medium viscosity liquid

BRIGHTNESS: semi-matt with high opacity (with high hiding power)

CURING AND DRYING: air and accelerates with temperatures

FREE TO TACK (touch drying): fast

ADHERENCE: Excellent

MECHANICAL RESISTANCE: Excellent friction and rub with the fingertips

CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Good, a minimum of 48 hours is recommended to apply these tests.

*Recommended for printing in this type of material.


Do you need more information? Download the technical sheet of this product.

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